Michael Stearns & Ron Sunsinger

(Spotted Peccary Music SPM-1101)

This is the third album that Michael Stearns & Ron Sunsinger have recorded together. It is clearly evident, from the body of work offered by these masters, that they share a deep intuition for each other's musical vision. Ron Sunsinger studied with traditional Native American medicine men in several different traditions. As a result, exposure to Carlos Castaneda's books took him on a 25 year journey into Native American shamanic practices, both as a participant and observer. In his own words, "Sorcerer is our tribute to the late Carlos Castaneda and the incredible description of our world that he brought to us through his conversations with Don Juan and his books over the last 30 years, we have been impacted very deeply through our readings. They have affected our lives, our beliefs and our music. This CD is our tribute to the warriors of the third attention, men and women of knowlege, ...the seers."

In essence, Stearns and Sunsinger take on the role of the "shapeshifters". They paint a musical portrait of shamanic ritual, and create an unspeakable spiritual experience from realms deep within the inner psyche. By isolating the experiences, and intentionally following them, they can transport your awareness to new realms.

The album begins with an ominous thunderstorm, shifing into a ritualistic soundtrack where feelings float peacefully. In this musical adventure, just as in Castaneda's writings, ...the energy-body travels to specific places, either in this world, out of this world, or to places that exist only in the intentions of others. A collage of colors weaves through the ambient fabric of sound to produce excitement and intensity with each motif introduced, demonstrating the brilliant capabilities of these composers. Like the writings of Carlos Castaneda, this music will endure."

I praise Spotted Peccary for releasing this album. It is bold and daring, and far above the achievements of many current instrumental releases. Each of the ten compositions, which are all very memorable, combine to make a powerfully emotional score that soars with determination and majesty.

Review by Ben Kettlewell

E-mail: peccaryinfo@spottedpeccary.com


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